Keyword: Interview

l7 4694

#9 - Interview: What does connection with nature mean to me?

I can remember my first evening in the African wilderness: in front of me was the warm campfire, behind me the cool night, above me the glittering starry sky, and all around me the mysterious sounds of animals - although all this was new to me, it felt like coming home, because something inside me remembered it ...


#8 - Natural wisdom: What can you learn from nature for yourself?

When I started studying nature, I didn't realize how much we can learn from it for our own growth in life. But we seem to have a magical connection with trees in particular, because every part of them is also a part of us. They are the ultimate mirror for growth and exemplify what it means to move out of your comfort zone ...

l7 5107

#7 - Interview: A few insights about my book "You are Nature"

My grandfather was an adventurer who traveled to distant continents once a year to get to know indigenous cultures - I can remember a picture of him in Papua New Guinea where he held a ritual with the tribe - it was a completely different world. I certainly picked up the enthusiasm for it from him.
But until the moment when I ...