Article #5


Five + 1 BOOKS that will change your consciousness

At school we learn about Pytagoras, we learn to spell and get good grades. We learn how to perform and how to behave in a stellar manner; - but we learn next to nothing about the connection with nature. Neither about ecosystems, animals, medicinal plants ... and certainly not how much we are also invisibly connected to nature. With this in mind, here are five books that can give you valuable knowledge about nature that you have never learned and thus change your perspective on it.

#1 "Earth is hiring" by Peta Kelly

Peta Kelly describes in a wonderfully positive way how the earth is calling us, and what we can do to use our individual abilities to become part of a new generation that is not above nature, but in connection with it!

"If Earth had a soccer team,
everyone on Earth would wear the same jersey to support it.
There'd be no them, there'd only be us." - Peta Kelly

#2 "Rethinking our world" by Maja Göpel

Maja Göpel is an economist and doesn't mince her words about how we treat the earth and other living creatures. That's a good thing! The book is an indispensable eye-opener. Clever and clear, courageous and empathetic at the same time.

"Those who claim that our world can still look the same in 10 years' time are radical or naive." - Maja Göpel

#3 "Another world is possible" by Vandana Shiva

Vandana Shiva takes up a topic that is more than just in the dark: How corporations like Bayer & Monsanto own the food industry, manipulate seeds, exploit raw materials, and own nature more and more in the background. A plea for transparency and truth in a broken system.

"The greates threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it!" - Robert Swan

#4 "The earth does not belong to us alone" by Gane Goodall

The famous chimpanzee researcher and environmental activist Jane Goodall already sums up the problem of time in the title. Nothing more needs to be said here. A must read!

"Here we are, the smartest animal species,
that has ever lived. So how can we destroy the only planet we have?" - Jane Goodall

#5 Spiritual ecology, the call of the earth

"But the world is by no means a problem to be solved, but a living being to which we also belong. It is a part of ourselves, and we are a part of its totality. Until we get to the bottom of our idea of separateness, there can be no healing." - it says. This book is an absolute must-have and will definitely change your perspective on a lot of things. I can promise that much! It is a collection of texts from a wide variety of people: Indigenous peoples, nature activists, Buddhist monks ... I discovered it myself as part of my research for my book and it helped me once again to see many things with completely different eyes. Because: "Everything shares one breath!"

"Mindfulness towards yourself is the beginning of mindfulness towards everything else!"

+1 "YOU ARE NATURE" by Anna Zemann

And of course my own book :), because I wrote it to create a new awareness of nature, in the certainty and from my own experience that this awareness does not begin outside, but within ourselves!

Let'S make nature great again!

If this article has inspired you, I would be delighted if you would share it with others,
and join me on my mission to create a new awareness of - our own - nature.

anna zemann circular fall white

Thank you for being here and creating your own rewilding story. I am happy that we are creating a new consciousness for the earth together!

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#9 - Interview: What does connection with nature mean to me?
I can remember my first evening in the African wilderness: in front of me was the warm campfire, behind me the cool night, above me the glittering starry sky, and all around me the mysterious sounds of animals - although all this was new to me, it felt like coming home, because something inside me remembered it ...
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