Category: Rewild Yourself

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#9 - Interview: What does connection with nature mean to me?

I can remember my first evening in the African wilderness: in front of me was the warm campfire, behind me the cool night, above me the glittering starry sky, and all around me the mysterious sounds of animals - although all this was new to me, it felt like coming home, because something inside me remembered it ...


#8 - Natural wisdom: What can you learn from nature for yourself?

When I started studying nature, I didn't realize how much we can learn from it for our own growth in life. But we seem to have a magical connection with trees in particular, because every part of them is also a part of us. They are the ultimate mirror for growth and exemplify what it means to move out of your comfort zone ...

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#7 - Interview: A few insights about my book "You are Nature"

My grandfather was an adventurer who traveled to distant continents once a year to get to know indigenous cultures - I can remember a picture of him in Papua New Guinea where he held a ritual with the tribe - it was a completely different world. I certainly picked up the enthusiasm for it from him.
But until the moment when I ...

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#4 - Be awake, alert, alive: The law of the wild in the modern world!

We walk slowly through the bush. In front of me are two rangers with rifles. It is scorching hot, and all around me is nothing but the endless expanse of Africa, which looks inconspicuous but should never be underestimated. There are laws that help you survive, I quickly learn, but I learn even faster back home: these laws also apply in the modern world ...